Behind the Badge

GA Chief Summer 2023 -Featured Image

The job of a police chief is more complicated and challenging today than ever. I can speak from experience, as I have served as a police chief for the last […]

Stairsteps to Professionalism

Police officer in front of car

Law enforcement agencies and their leaders are experiencing greater levels of scrutiny than in any time in history. Elected and appointed leaders can no longer utilize a passive, reactive approach […]

Writing Reports for Conviction

Historically, the American public viewed individuals serving in positions of authority with great respect. Elected officials considered their service to the community to be an honor and a privilege. A […]


Can’t Hurt Me

>> CPO David Goggins (ret) The Dunwoody Police Department’s book club offers a refreshing twist on the conventional selections of a law enforcement reading group. Typically veering towards narratives that […]

Good or Lucky?

In today’s work environment, police leaders are expected to not only keep the public safe but also create a safe working environment for their officers and employees. This includes a […]

“Curb Sitting”

The term reactionary gap refers to the distance an officer should maintain from a suspect to enable them to identify and respond to a physical assault. Often referred to as […]