The thin Blue Line



Under O.C.G.A. §35‐8‐20, all heads of law enforcement agencies must receive their annual training as selected and provided by the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police. GACP recognizes the training programs listed below as APPROVED for executive/management hours during the 2024 calendar year. Please note limitations on online – virtual training hours as well as district meeting training hours.


 In order to receive POST credit hours for in-person instruction provided at a GACP sponsored meeting or training course, a POST-certified instructor must instruct the student(s). Because of the inherent nature of certain professions or particular skill levels achieved, certain individuals may be requested to instruct. Such persons shall be designated as Guest Instructors and shall be recognized by POST Council as such. No certified officer shall be recognized as a guest instructor.


  • Assessment Center Preparation
  • Certification Assessors Training
  • Certification Managers Training
  • Chief Legislative Training & Day at the Capitol
  • Chief Executive Training Class (New Chiefs School)
  • District Training – (Must have prior approval of GACP Training Coordinator or Executive Director)
  • District Meeting / Networking – (Must have prior approval of GACP Executive Director)
  • Employee Liability/Conduct
  • Ethics for Law Enforcement Executives/Managers
  • Evidence and Property Liability
  • Goals Conference
  • Leadership Development
  • Legislative Update
  • Personnel Management
  • Summer Training Conference
  • Supervision/Management
  • Twelve Critical Tasks
  • Winter Training Conference
  • Management Level 1
  • Management Level 2
  • Management Level 3
  • GACP Webinars – (topics TBA)
  • Access and Functional Needs Preparedness and Planning for Rural Communities
  • Continuity of Government/Continuity of Operations
  • Decision Making and Problem Solving
  • Disaster Recovery Program: Info & Documentation
  • Emergency Planning
  • Emergency Response to Terrorism: Strategic Considerations for Command Officers
  • Leadership and Influence
  • Mass Fatalities Incident Response for Rural Communities
  • NIMS ‐ Advanced ICS Command and General Staff‐Complex Incidents (IS400)
  • NIMS ‐ Intermediate Incident Command System for Expanding Incidents (IS300)
  • Resource Management‐Enhanced Threat and Risk Assessment

(Must submit certificate to GACP for executive hours – 5 hours maximum)

  • Ethical Issues for Law Enforcement (3 hrs)
  • Maneuvering Successfully in the Political Environment (1 hr)
  • Strategic Planning (2 hrs)
  • Team Building for Command Staff (1 hr)
  • The Leadership Role in Public Service (2 hrs)
  • Body-Worn Cameras and Electronic Recording Considerations (1 hr)
  • Harassment and Discrimination Training for Supervisors (1 hr)
  • Human Fatigue in 24/7 Operations (1 hr)
  • Image Development and Reputation Management (2 hrs)
  • Internal Affairs for Administrators (2 hrs)
  • Recruiting and Retention of Law Enforcement Personnel (2 hrs)
  • Leadership and Career Development Concepts (1 hr)
  • 21st Century Policing
  • Below 100
  • Child Fatality Review
  • Color of Law (FBI Atlanta)
  • Community Policing – Randy Means**
  • Consular Notification
  • Executive Development Program
  • FBI LEEDS Development
  • FBI National Academy
  • FBI National Command Course
  • FEMA – All Hazards Training
  • GILEE Training Program
  • Law Enforcement Liability Training – LGRMS
  • Open Records for Law Enforcement Executives
  • POST Certification Process
  • Preparing for Civil Unrest in Georgia
  • Pursuit Policy/Role of Authority
  • Southern Police Institute (SPI) Institute of Police Technology and Management (IPTM)
  • State Asset Forfeiture Training
  • USDOJ Violent Crime Training
  • Workload Assessment and Task Analysis
  • LE and Private Sector Business Continuity Summit – USDOJ
  • Campus Law Enforcement Training
  • Commission on Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) Conference Training
  • Gatlinburg Law Enforcement Conference-USDOJ
  • GCIC Security & Integrity of CJ Information (2 hours course only – online class not accepted)
  • Georgia Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (GACLEA) Conference
  • Georgia Gang Investigators Association (GGIA) Conference
  • Georgia Law Enforcement Command College Annual Refresher Class
  • Georgia Marshal’s Training Network Annual Conference
  • Georgia Police Accreditation Coalition (GPAC) Conference
  • Georgia State Intelligence Network (GSIN) Conference
  • International Association of Chiefs of Police Training (IACP)
  • National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) CEO Symposium and Annual Conference
  • Prosecuting Attorneys of Georgia (PAC) Conference
  • Peace Officers Association of Georgia (POAG) Conference
  • Safety in Our Schools Training Conference

With the exception of pre-approved courses outlined in this document, requests for executive credit for a training course / session exceeding four (4) hours will not be approved by the Training Committee.

(Please note that course summaries are requested and evaluated annually for these events before approval is granted.)


If a request for executive credit is denied, the submitting chief may request a review by the GACP Training Committee. The request, along with any additional information to be considered, will be sent to the GACP Executive Director, who will then forward the request to the Training Committee. The Training Committee will consider the request and either affirm or overturn the initial denial. This review process will be completed within 30 days of the initial denial.  

A maximum of five (5) hours of executive training credits can be earned in 2024 through online / virtual training courses – apart from any GACP-hosted webinar. The Governor’s Initiative training (Use of Deadly Force – 1 hour, De-escalation – 1 hour, Community Policing – 2 hours, Gang Awareness – 1 hour, Human Trafficking – 1 hour) can be obtained online and, since they are not eligible for executive-level credit, is not subject to this limitation.

**Approval can only be determined once supporting documents have been received. For training approvals, please submit your request using this LINK.