GACP Training Guidelines

Please read the following information regarding the process of obtaining GACP Executive/Management Level Training Credit.
Training requirements for agency/department heads as defined by Georgia Code §35-8-20:
Definition of agency/department head, is defined in Georgia Code §35-8-2 (4):
Training classes such as report writing, LIDAR training, traffic accident reconstruction, impact weapons, commercial vehicle inspections, conflict resolution, first responder, street survival, verbal judo, and courtroom demeanor are several examples of training programs that are not approved for chief’s credit.
Classes that are needed to meet the Governor’s Initiative Requirements are not approved for executive credits. You must have a minimum of 27 hours to comply with GACP and POST, consisting of
20 Hours Of GACP Executive Credit,
7 Hours Of Classes That Meet The Governor’s Initiative Requirements Of
Use of Deadly Force (1 hour)
De-escalation (1 hour)
Community Policing (2 hours)
Gang Awareness (1 hour)
Human Trafficking (1 hour)
Firearms re-qualification (1 hour)
If you fail to meet all training requirements, you will lose your power of arrest as of January 1st, 2025.
*PRORATED hours: If you are appointed as an agency/department head for a partial year, you will be required to obtain two (2) hours of Executive credits per month for the remaining months of the year. For example, if you are appointed as chief on September 10th, you will then be required to obtain eight (8) hours of Executive Credits before December 31st of that year: two (2) hours each for September, October, November, and December.
All requests for training approval shall be submitted to the GACP Training Director (or Executive Director, if applicable) where it will be reviewed and approved or disapproved. Confirmations of approval/disapproval will typically be sent by email within a couple of days. Generally, training classes that directly relate to your job function as the chief executive of the agency such as classes dealing with management and/or upper-level supervision are approved.